I was on bedrest, very strict bedrest for the end of the pregnancy. It wasn't easy. I went out on maternity leave a lot earlier than I had wanted to. Once I hit the 37 week mark the doctor said that the bedrest was lifted and I could have the baby. So I started walking. I found out that there was this free easter egg hunt at the OC Fairgrounds. So we went. I walked so much that morning that I started feeling some more contractions. I had been feeling contractions since I went on bedrest in January. They were a bit painful but I thought if I go to the hospital they will send me back home. So Josh and I started joking around, one lady looked at us weird when he said something about having enough time to make it to the hospital. So I held my belly and said yes. She gave us a look and we started laughing. Later I did decide to go to the hospital. So I called my mom and asked her to come and see the kids. I told her no rush. I didn't think I would be having the baby yet, because I didn't feel like it was time. With the other three I knew. So my mom came and when we were on our way I told Josh that we should get something to eat. I was hungry and every time you go to the hospital they don't feed you. So we stopped and ate. We got to the hospital at around 6:30 p.m. then I got into a room at about 7 p.m. They checked me and said I was 4 cm. dilated. The last time I was hospitalized I left there 3 cm. dilated. So they call my doctor and tell him. Because of the previous hospitalizations my doctor said that if I didn't dilate 1 cm. in 1 hour, they would send me home. So they made me walk for an hour. During my walk, to help further the process ( I was so done with this pregnancy) I was even doing squats. After the hour, they checked me and I was at 5 cm. Then it begun. By ten o'clock I was at 7 cm. I begged them to get the anesthesiologist there quick. I was in pain but unlike the past two times I wanted some relief. They did it and within an hour we were at ten. When it was time to start pushing it started to hurt real bad. The thoughts of why didn't I opt for a C-Section went through my head. Then when it really began I couldn't even breathe. They tried putting an oxygen mask and I couldn't even breathe with that on. So after 20 minutes of pushing at 11:18 p.m. 5 hours after I went in, our darling Edward Jonah Davis was born. He weighed 8 lbs. 5 oz. and was 20.5 inches long.
Here's my baby, 1 month old!
Last but not least, my sister got ENGAGED!!! We are happy and thrilled for her. I love her so much! She is happy and in love and the wedding will be sometime next year. So maybe now my brother will also get the hint and find the love of his life too!
It's amazing, to be grown up and experience all these things. My entire family is blessed and we are thankful for everyone's love and support.